At some point we walked around Jox's yard and they have a newly-built shed, an older shed, an outhouse, a greenhouse, and then various planned plants and things. They have three or four apple trees and a plum tree plus some berry bushes. It's all a bit messy but it could look really nice if it was just cleaned out and the stuff inside the sheds was sorted through. The newly-built shed, someone could actually live in there if they wanted, it was built that way although it's not completely finished yet. They're thinking about building a second shed and then connecting both of them via some doors and a passage to make the whole thing bigger.
After the nap, two of Jox's Aunts came over and we had a mini Christmas party. I forgot to take a photo of the food table but I think one of Jox's relatives might have one that I can ask for later. We had reindeer, ham, meatballs, shredded cabbage(?) for salad, plum sauce, lingonberry in yogurt sauce, pineapple, more thin bread, some other types of bread, gravad salmon with dill on it and smoked salmon, potatoes...
You eat the ham with the pineapple or with the plum sauce.
Reindeer goes with the lingonberry in yogurt, on top of thin bread.
There was no desserts, but afterwards we drank some glögg (it didn't taste so good, kind of orange-y, but it smelled like cloves).
Then we passed out presents. Instead of giving one present out, waiting as the person opens it, and then getting another, they just passed all the presents out at once and after they were all done everyone opened theirs. I can take photos of what we got in a bit, but from what I remember we got candy, money, two glittery dinosaur Christmas ornaments, a Moomins book in English (which was great!), a mobile-like Moomins tea candle holder thing, a Sleeping Beauty book in Swedish (that's the only Disney movie I really like except maybe 101 Dalmatians!), a book about Norwegian trolls in Japanese, two Hello Kitty compressed handtowels, two little cat keychain figures, a great book on the 200 or so most common Swedish verbs... I had no idea I'd be getting anything at all, that was really nice of them! I even got stuff from Jox's Aunts!

We talked a lot about various stuff again and when one of Jox's Aunts decided to go home we walked to her apartment with her and saw the inside (she just moved in recently and hasn't unpacked much yet). There was a really cool elevator where it didn't have any metal door that closed, instead on every floor there's a regular door that you pull open and then when you're inside you can see all the floors go by! I'd never been in one like that except the glass elevator in the Seattle Space Needle, but that's a bit different. Jox thinks that the elevators with the metal doors are like "Disneyland elevators" and that the one we saw today is a normal (Swedish) elevator.
Then we basically started going through more of Jox's stuff. He has a LOT of stuff, probably more than I've owned in my life! Well, that might be an exaggeration, but certainly more than I've ever owned at one time.
Tomorrow we're going to go to Stockholm for a Christmas market that's only open during the weekends in December, and maybe look at electronics because my camera's broken.
Some Swedish I learned today:
Jag vet inte - I don't know
Sill - herring (similar to Icelandic)
Jag är hungrig - I am hungry
trött - tired, similar to Icelandic too
Hejdå - bye ("hi then")
Kan jag få...? - Can I have...?
Kan du ge mig...? - Can you give me...?
I forgot the rest...
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