Saturday, March 27, 2010

The image gallery for this trip is here. I'll edit images into this post soon.

Yesterday I went to the greyhound station. The website said you had to be there an hour early to check in but I found out that if you're going to Canada you actually don't. The bus itself was pretty full and stopped in a total of five places, the last two with which we got about ten minutes for break. I think one of the stops the greyhound made was in Mount Vernon, and another was at the duty-free for Canada. But the duty-free didn't have anything good in it and the prices were just as expensive as if you bought things outside of it. The greyhound bus took about four and a half hours, apparently we finished a little late.

I met Arlene and one of her friends, and we took the Sky Train - a train that runs to different cities on tracks that are above the ground - to the town near where Arlene is, then we took a bus to her actual house. I met her mom and dad we talked and I was shown around the house. They stuffed me with food (Miso soup, tofu, ham, pineapple, and salad) and we met up with Arlene's friend from earlier to walk around outside a little bit. By then it was around eight-thirty and already dark so we couldn't do much.

We decided to stay the night at her friend's place and that's where I'm at now. We're going to leave for Arlene's house to have breakfast soon.

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