I wandered into Snu´s kitchen and took a picture because there were newspapers. And I believe Zero said she wanted pictures of his house?
We went to Reykjavík and walked around some more - we went to the most famous church in Iceland, but they're doing renovations on it so it looks pretty ugly right now. We went inside and checked out the main room area. We almost went up to the top with an elevator, but you had to pay money to use the elevator (400 ISK I think it was? I can't remember exactly) and we weren't interested enough to pay for it.

That door is the entrance, I turned around once inside to take that picture.

This is the room once you walk in the entrance. It was really big. There were one or two people sitting on the benches but nothing was going on. It echoed a lot.
We walked to... some place that I forget the name of, and there were little kids playing hide-and-seek from the nearby school. There were statues, and some of them were pretty weird.

That was the weirdest one. I'm sure it's supposed to symbolize something.

There was a thread on a forum about pictures of cats from different parts of the world, so I took these to contribute. The orange cat followed us for a long time.

HERE OPEN NOOLE STATION. Bad grammar and spelling. This was on the window of a shop that hasn't opened yet. The bottom says something about how it isn't just food, it's art. If I remember right.
We went to 'The Puffin' and I took pictures of the inside. Snorri went around looking for postcards, and I just hung out while he answered a bunch of phone calls. He told me some phrases to use when talking with cashiers so I don't have to speak English, although I'm pretty embarrassed and I haven't used them yet.

Iceland loves puffins! They're everywhere in all the gift shops. I'm going to eat puffin sometime while I'm here.

I keep forgetting to change my camera settings when I take pictures inside, so they turn out yellowish. I'll try to remember from now on.

This is what all the city mailboxes look like here! Sans the graffiti. I think they're really neat. A lot of people have mail slots in their doors instead of mailboxes... It might be that everyone has them, I haven't seen something I recognize to be a mailbox yet.

More puffins! For those of you who wanted a puffin stuffed animal, just pick out one that you want from pictures. I've been trying to take pictures of all the ones I saw.
We were wandering around and saw that there was an art gallery showing, so we went to check it out. It wasn't anything special.

There were people playing chess behind some glass(a TON of the doors here are automatic sliding doors, except personally, I can never tell when they are because they look like giant windows. Snorri says they usually have stickers/designs on them if they are.)
Another random thing that I noticed is that the... things on the bottom of the doorframes in Snorri's house, the wood, they're probably higher than what I'm used to because I'm constantly stubbing my toes on them when I go through a door.

When going to check out the gallery, he put his backpack in a locker. We got number five!

It´s the bank..... American style. (Not really, but.) It's funny if you know about the economic situation!

These are what all the buses look like here.

This is a funeral parlour.

This building has the Danish coat of arms on it! Do you know why? Because it's the Danish embassy!

I'll start to take pictures of the Icelandic signs I can read. I didn't get a picture of one of them, but this car says "Tea & Coffee"!
We went to the store at some point, and I bought skyr and orange juice for lunch. I had original flavour Skyr, and it's like thick yogurt that tastes really sour and smells like cheese. It's closer to cheese than yogurt is, though. Next time I'll try a flavour with fruit in it to off-set the sour taste.

We walked to the only comic store in town. I think all the comics I looked at were in English, but I kept to the manga section of the store for the most part.
After she got off work, we met up with Saizopwns and her friend and we walked around town for a bit. I took a video. Snu drew pictures and we all talked for a while, then he and I ordered mozzarella sticks. They were good but a bit expensive - it wasn't a marinara sauce like I'm used to, instead it was a little spicy.
Afterwards we dropped Saizopwns and her friend off, and since they both live pretty much down the street from Snu we visited Saizopwns in her house for a while before she went to bed. She didn't allow us to see inside her room, so we chatted in her living room. I had some things to give her, and she had some things to give me, so we did that - I gave her some candy and American flags, and she gave me some candy and a puffin stuffed animal.
I SAID I WANTED PICTURES OF EVERYTHING and well Snu's kitchen seems pretty c:
ReplyDeleteAlso, the video: woah, they are blondes.
And lastly: "YOU ARE SUCH A PUFFIN" ffff, adorable <3
@Zero - WELL AT SOME POINT MY CAMERA BATTERIES DIE and sometimes it feels really rude or stupid to take pictures. I get a little embarrassed because I feel like it's super obvious I'm a tourist. But I'm here for two more weeks, so it's not like I can't get more pictures.
ReplyDeleteYeah, they are! And saizopwns is SUPER TALL.
Sadly, I don't think they sell shirts that have "You are such a puffin" on them. That I saw, at least.