Today we went to the zoo! Everything was in Icelandic so I couldn't read any of the signs, and it was for little kids. All the animals are Icelandic, so there's no zebras or anything, just horses and sheep, et cetera. Most of the people there were speaking Icelandic but we did hear a bit of English.

This sign is basically telling you to walk on the paths instead of the grass because the grass is for the animals.

Notice the little houses!

This is a reindeer. I tried to get a good picture, but there were wasps and the reindeer kept randomly moving from inside to outside of the room.

Snorri and I had been petting this cat, and then a girl saw us and started petting it too. Then it turned into a chase where a bunch of kids followed the cat around. Eventually the cat went into the seal tank and stayed out of reach there.

No, I didn't try this. Most of the people in the zoo were families with small children, but there was one adult couple who were tourists, which we saw in the sort of activity section where this bubble thing was. There was a toy where you scream into it and it gauges how loud you are, those tourists had fun with that. There was an optical illusion toy where if you looked at a die inside a glass dome thing from the side, it looked like the die was on top of the dome. There were some puzzles and things too, and fun-house mirrors. The rides in the zoo were all closed, and the hot dog stand was closed - in the winter the zoo closes at five and we were there at around four-thirty. Snorri told me about how the zoo was when he was a kid compared to how it was now.

There was a viking ship! There was a hole in one of the planks, but otherwise it was alright.

Another viking ship... This one was less awesome.

Snorri says that people used to use these to wash their laundry in because the hot water from underground could be found there. This one was all rusty and another one, in a lot better condition, had trash all inside of it. The zoo overall needed to be cleaned - Snorri was complaining that the last time he came here it was a lot nicer.
After the zoo we stopped by a gift shop to look for gifts. I had been looking for a big, old-style map or something like that.

This is the closest we've found so far.

These things are like a hybrid of cheese slicers and spatulas. They can slice cucumbers and things too. They cut a smaller slice than the kind I'm used to, and they're a bit easier to use. They're handy! But Snorri says they're just the way cheese graters are shaped here, and not that they're spatulas...
Later we went to the movie theatre to watch Reykjavík Whale Watching Massacre. It's Iceland's first thriller movie. Most of it was in English because it centred around a group of tourists, but some of it is in Icelandic. Snorri translated the Icelandic for me as we watched it. The movie is great, it's like a parody of thriller movies.
The theatre itself was only mildly different from the ones I've been to. You buy your tickets inside instead of outside in one of those booth things or outside with a machine. I couldn't see well because there was a huge crowd, but it seemed like you couldn't go into the theatre super early before the movie started playing. I didn't notice a whole lot other than it seemed like there was a lot of people there for ten at night on a weekday, they pretty much blocked my view because I'm so short. There was also an intermission in the movie!
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