We hung out with Kristín for most of the day because she has a full-time job, and I wouldn't get to see her on Monday before I left for the airport. We went to the mall and got ice cream, and wandered into some gift shops. I forgot if I mentioned this before, but they have something where if you want, you can get your soft-serve dipped in a second flavour of something. I got strawberry ice cream dipped in licorice flavour one time, and Aino got strawberry dipped in chocolate if I remember correctly.

Kristín in a gift store, holding a plastic axe. I was actually trying to get a picture of the cat by the cash register. She was telling me how people who don't speak Icelandic can still get jobs at places. She said that people will call their friends and either have them walk them through the job application, or fill out the application for them in Icelandic. She said there are some people like that at her job, that learned Icelandic through working, so they know numbers and basic phrases and things like that.

Some graffiti in one part of the town. There were a lot of murals and things like this in various places, I think some of them were actually commissioned by businesses and things but I'm not completely sure.

This was a giant, automatic revolving door at the mall. It has the hours that the mall is open written on it.
On Monday we walked to the post office in the morning so I could mail my postcards and so Snorri could pick up a package. Instead of having self-adhesive stamps, you have to press the stamps into something that looks like a sponge or an ink pad to get them sticky, and then you put them on whatever you're mailing.
We went to the bank too, and both Aino and I exchanged money. I had to pay Snorri back for the day before when I bought all those souvenirs, because I had run out of money and the banks were closed. We also went to a bakery, and I tried something that was basically chocolate Rice Krispies in a muffin cup.
We went to the airport, and Aino and Snorri waited with me while I checked my baggage and filled out the customs slip they gave me. Because I was going to the US, I had to tell them the value of the things I was bringing back from Iceland, and what kinds of things they were. Eventually I had to leave, so after going through security I went to the Duty-Free shops. I bought a lot of salmiak licorice, and another children's book in Icelandic.

On the way to the airport. The striped building is an aluminum factory, and it's pretty famous. It's even been on t-shirts.

This was my boarding pass for the airplane this time. Last time it was glaciers, so it makes me wonder how many times they change the image on the tickets.

This was, obviously, in front of the duty-free in the airport in Iceland.
On the plane, to my left was a Dane who was visiting her brother in Seattle, and to my right was a man I suspected was Norwegian. The Dane made some jokes about how Iceland doesn't have any trees, and asked me if I had tried dried fish.
I got home just fine.
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